Visit the roastery and Coffeeseum Book a guided group tour: +39 0471 725 651.
Beim Home Barista Kurs lernen Sie den perfekten Umgang mit Ihrer Espresso-Maschine

Three Home Barista courses

The theoretical knowledge you need plus some useful tips to surprise your guests with a perfectly prepared coffee. Become a real home barista!

For more information on our 3 course packages, please read below.

Kaffeeaufbrühen mit dem Handfilter

Filter coffee preparation

Immersed in a friendly atmosphere, you will learn the correct method to prepare filter coffee. This evening class gives you the opportunity to learn the specifics of filter coffee, from the grinding of coffee beans to preparation methods such as filter coffee machine, moka pot, Chemex and French press. All with the added bonus of tasting exquisite rarities!

Aufbrühen von Kaffee mit der Chemex Kanne

Course contents:

  • Short tour of the Coffeeseum
  • Coffee grinder: dosage and grinding
  • Arabica and robusta coffee tasting
  • Coffee preparation methods: filter, moka pot, Chemex and French press.
  • Q&A and exchange of ideas
  • Opportunity to buy coffee on the premises


approx. 2,5 - 3 hours


€ 60.00 per person, incl. VAT


max. 6 people

Minimum price

€ 120.00 per group, incl. VAT



Preferred days

Monday – Friday


Fabian Astenwald


on request

Beim Kurs lernen die Teilnehmer unter anderem, den richtigen Mahlgrad bei der Kaffeemaschine einzustellen

Me and my portafilter

So, you would like to buy a new portafilter but you need some pointers as to what to look for. Or perhaps you have just bought a great new espresso machine and you would like to learn how to best operate it… Whatever the case, sign up for this course right away – you’ll be glad you did!

Tipps und Tricks für die Kaffeezubereitung mit dem Siebträger beim Home Barista

Course contents:

  • Short tour of the Coffeeseum
  • Choosing your espresso coffee
  • Choosing the correct grinder setting
  • Correct coffee preparation
  • Milk foaming
  • Cleaning


approx. 2,5 - 3 hours


€ 60.00 per person, incl. VAT


max. 4 people

Minimum Price

€ 120,00 per group, incl. VAT



Preferred days

Monday – Friday


Fabian Astenwald


on request

Special offer: Buy a machine and get free participation in the course for two people.