Visit the roastery and Coffeeseum Book a guided group tour: +39 0471 725 651.

Introduction to coffee & SCA Barista Intermediate

For advanced learners:

If you already have some experience or basic barista skills, this course will bolster your knowledge of coffee and its preparation methods. The course ends with a written examination covering the topics of the Introduction to Coffee course as well as a practical examination covering the SCA Barista Intermediate course topics. Together, the two courses are certified by SCA (Speciality Coffee Association), and each awards 10 points (for a total of 20 points) that are valid towards the Coffee Diploma System.

Course information

Participants are introduced to the subject of coffee and shown how to operate coffee machines. Topics include: origin, historical background, harvesting, processing, constituents of coffee and how to handle roasted coffee.

Course content

  • Coffee facts, including information on cultivation, processing, classification, roasting methods and tasting
  • Preparation skills, including extraction theory and basic infusion techniques
  • Espresso and espresso-based beverages
  • Professional use of espresso machines
  • Hygiene and cleaning

You can book our SCA training courses as a package!


You can book our SCA training courses as a package and save money!
Find out about the current offer!


3 days

Certificate of attendance



maximum 6

Price Introduction to coffee & Barista Intermediate

€ 811.50 per person incl. VAT



SCA examination fee (to pay directly to SCA)

€ 50.00 per person for Barista Intermediate; € 25.00 per person for Introduction to coffee

Course material

Barista learning materials


Snacks provided


8.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

Participants who have already completed the Introduction to Coffee course and passed the relevant exam are exempted from the written examination (€ 25).

Next dates:

(In German language)


November 2024:

wednesday, 27.11 – friday, 29.11.2024

March 2025:

monday, 24.03 – wednesday, 26.03.2025


SCA Kaffeekurs Barista Intermediate: die Arbeit an der Kaffeemaschine
CAROMA SCA Barista Intermediate Kurs: Rohkaffee beurteilen